Lightening Up...

I've got this table in my hallway.  Actually, this table is in our office, but I have an identical table in the upstairs hallway.  They worked well with the decor in our former house and worked well in our loft.  They do not work well in our current house. 
copyright, Chasing Quaintness
The color does not fit the style I like throughout this house.  I like white, light, bright and airy.  The color of this table is dark, and heavy.  While my husband indulges my "white and light" style, I do find that some compromises have to be made.  So I compromise in the office.  Our home office is dark, and heavy.  With the exception of my "pop you in the eye" white desk.  It is the outcast in the room.  I don't mind.

The upstairs hallway table used to look like this.  Notice the words "used to"?
copyright, Chasing Quaintness
I decided that the table needed a facelift if it was going to sit in the hallway that is flooded with light.  Last night, I set about giving the table it's facelift.  Now, this is where I have to explain how I do things as opposed to how my husband does things.  If he were here (did I mention he's still in Dallas working and this is how I'm telling him exactly what I've done?) we would have had to haul the table to the garage, do all the work, wait for it to dry and then bring it back to the hallway.  That is not how I work.

Step 1:  Clear the items off the table.
Step 2:  Move table away from wall.
Step 3:  Open jar of paint.  Realize I better get something to protect the carpet in the event of a wayward drip.
Step 4:  Place cardboard box (located in garage and hauled upstairs) underneath table.
Step 5:  Coat 1 on table.
Step 6:  Talk to hubby on phone (asking where sanding block might be located -- I know he was terrified at what might be happening at home), text bestie in Wyoming and watch a few minutes of a Hallmark movie while waiting on Coat 1 to dry.
Step 7:  Coat 2 on table.
Step 8:  More texting with bestie in Wyoming and checking DVR recordings.
Step 9:  Distress with sanding block.  Oops, a little sand dust got on the carpet.  Oh well, the vacuum will enjoy the meal.
Step 10: Coat 1 of varnish.
Step 11: Wander downstairs for a snack and talk to hubby again on phone.
Step 12: Coat 2 of varnish.

While this sounds lengthy and time-consuming, all the magic took about an hour, maybe a little less, and was performed right there in the hallway.  No lugging tables around for me!  Because it is still winter and a bit cold here in the Nashville area, it took longer than usual for the paint and varnish coats to dry.

This is the finished product.  I am pleased!
copyright, Chasing Quaintness
Typical of me, I did not want to decorate it the same way.  I added the typewriter and window sign back but did not want to add all the family photos.  Remember those "Texas Treasures" from the The Magnolia Market and Junque in the Trunk?  This is where a few of those treasures landed.
copyright, Chasing Quaintness
Now, there is a light and airy look in the hallway.

sharing this post on French Country Cottage, The Winthrop Chronicles, Between Naps on the Porch, Shabby Art Boutique, The Dedicated House, Miss Mustard Seed and Restless Arrow


  1. My wife: Never met a piece of wood she didn't want to paint :-)

    I'm just happy to see my typewriter is still black... for now.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love reading your blog, LOVE your home and appreciate your comments! Have a great day!

  3. I never met a piece of furniture I did not want to paint either. The new paint makes everything brighter and fresher - good decision!

    1. Thank you Donna! I think painting it and giving it new life is much better than tossing it aside! :-)

  4. Lovely makeover! thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday! Isn't it funny how simple whites are all making a comeback after we've all colorized every wall in our homes?

    1. LOL...that is so true! And thank you so much! I appreciate being able to link up!

  5. Robin, thank you so much for your comment! I feel the same way, that paint makes all the difference in the world!


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